
Answers about General and Special Relativity

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작성자 Dirk
댓글 0건 조회 234회 작성일 24-06-15 20:02


Sound waves require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate because they rely on the vibration of molecules. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for the so
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Electricity and Magnetism


How can a position time graph show if an object has constant acceleration?

Asked by Wiki User

A position-time graph with a straight line indicates constant acceleration. The slope of the line represents the acceleration, which is constant if the slope re
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General and Special Relativity


When you put the balloon in the freezer what law is it an example of?

Asked by Wiki User

Placing a balloon in the freezer and observing it shrink demonstrates Charles's Law, which states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its temp
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How can you change an objects velocity?

Asked by Wiki User

To change an object's velocity, you can apply a force in the direction you want it to accelerate. This force can be produced by pushing, pulling, or using any o
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Isaac Newton


What happens to Newtons laws of motion invariant quantities in special relativity?

Asked by Wiki User

In special relativity, Newton's laws of motion still hold true for low velocities, but become invalid for objects moving close to the speed of light. Invariant
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General and Special Relativity


How does a shadow travel faster than light?

Asked by Wiki User

A shadow does not actually travel faster than light. The perceived motion of a shadow can create an illusion of faster movement, but in reality, the speed of li
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When you perform work on an object do you increase the energy of the object?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, when work is done on an object, its energy is typically increased. This increase in energy can manifest as changes in kinetic energy, potential energy, or
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Is grass a compound?

Asked by Wiki User

No, grass is not a compound; it is a complex organism made up of various elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Grass is a living plant that cons
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General and Special Relativity


What do you call the process of obtaining pure petrol from crude oil?

Asked by Wiki User

The process of obtaining pure petrol from crude oil is called refining. During refining, crude oil is processed in a refinery to separate and purify the various
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General and Special Relativity


Why mass and energy curve the space and time?

Asked by Wiki User

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, mass and energy curve the space-time around them because they create a gravitational field. This curvature
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General and Special Relativity


What is the wavelength of 34000Hz ultrasonic wave in air?

Asked by Wiki User

The wavelength of a 34000Hz ultrasonic wave in air is approximately 10.3 millimeters. This can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound in a
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General and Special Relativity


Which instrument used to measure the sound under the water?

Asked by Wiki User

A hydrophone is the instrument commonly used to measure sound underwater. It works by converting sound waves into electrical signals that can then be analyzed a
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General and Special Relativity


Is it possible to prove that a tachyon exists?

Asked by Wiki User

There is currently no experimental evidence to prove the existence of tachyons, hypothetical particles that travel faster than the speed of light. Theoretical f
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Electromagnetic Radiation


What will happen if a photon is bouncing in between two mirrors and the apparatus is moving gradually in straight line approaching the speed of light.?

Asked by Wiki User

As the apparatus moves closer to the speed of light, the photon's energy will increase due to the Doppler effect, causing its frequency to increase. This will r
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When you multiply half the mass of an object by its speed squared you calculate its?

Asked by Wiki User

You are calculating the kinetic energy of the object using the formula KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass and v is the speed of the object. This formula gi
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General and Special Relativity


What is true relativity or quantum mechanics?

Asked by Wiki User

True relativity refers to Einstein's theory of General Relativity, which describes how gravity operates in the universe. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, i
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Can a particle without mass travel at the speed of light?

Asked by Wiki User

No, according to theory of relativity, only massless particles such as photons can travel at the speed of light. Any particle with mass would require infinite e
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Nuclear Physics


If you put an atomic clock on the moon and left it for 4 billion years what would be the time difference between that clock and one on Earth?

Asked by Wiki User

The time difference between an atomic clock on the moon left for 4 billion years and one on Earth would be extremely small due to the high precision of atomic c
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General and Special Relativity


Which is more reactive fluorine oxygen or neon?

Asked by Wiki User

Fluorine is more reactive than both oxygen and neon. Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal element and readily forms compounds with other elements due to its
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Electromagnetic Radiation


What would be different if light did not travel in a straight line?

Asked by Wiki User

If light did not travel in a straight line, shadows would not be sharp and well-defined because light would scatter in all directions. Reflection and refraction
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At the speed of light time stops. Really?

Asked by Wiki User

At the speed of light, time does not stop, but instead appears to slow down as observed by an outside observer. This is a consequence of Einstein's theory of re
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Would you see the back of your head with an infinite power telescope pointed into space?

Asked by Wiki User

No, you wouldn't be able to see the back of your head with an infinite power telescope pointed into space because the light would not be able to travel from the
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General and Special Relativity


How much energy does it take a spaceship to travel at constant speed 90 percent of light speed?

Asked by Wiki User

The energy required for a spaceship to travel at 90 percent of the speed of light would be substantial due to the relativistic increase in kinetic energy as spe
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Isaac Newton


Give an example in which rest and motion occurs at same time?

Asked by Wiki User

An example of rest and motion occurring at the same time is a person sitting at a table in a moving train. The person is at rest with respect to the table they
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General and Special Relativity


Does light in air travel faster than radiation from microwave oven?

Asked by Wiki User

No, both light in air and radiation from a microwave oven travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. Theref
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